Emergency Response Plan

The crisis management Emergency Handbook was prepared by the Psychological/Social/Diagnostic Services Department’s crisis team and the departmental Advisory Board’s suicide and crisis management committee. The information in this booklet has been modified and adjusted to complement the needs of an emergent situation for Texas College. The information has been approved for use by the Psychological/Social/ Diagnostic Services department’s crisis team and the departmental Advisory Board’s suicide and crisis management committee. It is intended to be used by administrators for quick reference to procedures that enhance responses to any one of a wide range of possible situations affecting educational institutions.

Representing the Tyler mental health community, the Advisory Board committee members have donated hours of expert consultation in the development of step-by-step suggestions for the management of specific crisis situations. Having assisted individuals recovering from major crises, these professionals understand the importance of prompt crisis manage-ment in the college environment. Texas College is grateful for their contribution.

View Emergency Response Plan