
The major in Sociology is designed to prepare students for various occupations within the public or private sectors. The preparation in Sociology provides a foundation for careers in academia, sociology related professions, government, business or community agencies. The blend of courses allow students to explore and analyze issues vital to everyday living, communities, the nation and the world. Sociology studies demographics, crime and deviance, family and gender, political, economic and historical sociology, cultural sociology, urban sociology, migration and race and ethnicity. The preparation in sociology is also designed to prepare students for graduate work either in behavioral and social sciences or in professional areas such as ministry and social work.


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Sociology Degree Plan





General Education Requirements (See separate degree plan)


Institutional Requirements (See separate degree plan)


Social Science Electives (3000 and 4000 Level Courses)


Sociology Required Courses



SOCI 2301

Social Problems


SOCI 3301

Social Psychology


SOCI 3302

Social Institutions


SOCI 3303

Sociological Theory


SOCI 3309

Marriage and Family


SOCI 4304

Social Gerontology


SOCI 4332

Seminar/Methods of Social Research


SOCI 4333

Individual Comm. Research & Internship


SOCI 3339

Race and Ethnicity


SOCI 4305

Collective Behavior


SOCI 4306



SOCI 4307

Deviant Behavior


SOCI 4308

Inequality: Class, Race & Gender


SOCI 4331

Quantitative Social Research


MATH 1342



CRJU 1301

Introduction to Criminal Justice


SOCW 2361

Introduction to Social Welfare


Social Sciences Electives

3000-4000 Levels




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Sociology Course Descriptions

SOCI 1100 – First Semester Seminar (College orientation course) (1 credit hour). Informs students about the history, organizational structure and current policies of the College. Prepares students for the transition to college level studies and the demands of academic preparation. Provides self- management skills, career discussion and proven strategies for successful learning. Required of all freshman and transfer students without orientation credits.

SOCI 2100 – Second Semester Seminar (College orientation course) (1 credit hour). Informs students about the history, organizational structure and current policies of the College. Prepares students for the transition to college level studies and the demands of academic preparation. Provides self- management skills, career discussion and proven strategies for successful learning. Required of all freshman and transfer students without orientation credits.

SOCI 1301 – Introduction to Sociology (3 credit hours). This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of the basic concepts, principles, and major areas of sociology. Special emphasis is placed on elements of sociological analysis as a basis of research in specialized areas of social life and culture.

SOCI 2301 – Social Problems (3 credit hours). An inquiry into some of the major social problems in contemporary society: racial and ethnic, deviance, war, and so forth. Special emphasis is placed on origin, development, and suggested solutions.

SOCI 3301 – Social Psychology (3 credit hours). Eclectic presentation of major concepts and hypotheses: perception, cognition, motivation, socialization, and self- alienation. Emphasis is also placed on mass phenomena, leadership, and problems and processes of social interaction. Contemporary theoretical positions are surveyed.

SOCI 3302 – Social Institutions (3 credit hours). The systematic study of the nature, development, structure, and function of social institutions and their interrelationships. Emphasis is placed on analysis of the five basic institutions: family, education, religion, government, and economics.

SOCI 3304 – Classical Sociological Theory (3 credit hours). This course is designed to discuss the important classical sociological readings between the 18th and 20th century. Highly influential social science scholars, such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and W.E.B. DuBois will be discussed. Attention will be given to how these theories have given rise to theoretical perspectives in sociology, particularly functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. (Prerequisite: SOCI 1301)

SOCI 3309 – Marriage and the Family (3 credit hours). A study of the family as the primary social institution and its status in contemporary social structure. Types of family organization, disorganization, husband-wife and parent-child relationships, and the impact of social change on family structure and function are discussed. Emphasis is placed on factors contributing to marital harmony. (Prerequisite: SOCI 1301).

SOCI 3339 – Race & Ethnicity {Formerly Sociology of Minorities} (3 credit hours). Examines theoretical, historical, and comparative perspectives on minority groups, race and ethnic relations through processes of colonialism, slavery, and immigration along with political, social, and economic conflicts that often result in genocidal wars, racism, discrimination, segregation, modernization and the institutionalization of racism. (Prerequisite: SOCI 1301).

SOCI 4304 – Social Gerontology (3 credit hours). The study of social implications of an aging population; social adjustments to the aging process; personal adjustments to roles and status of later age; consideration of retirement; and public assistance programs for older people. (Prerequisite: SOCI 1301).

SOCI 4305 – Collective Behavior (3 credit hours). A systematic analysis of various types of behavior in crowds, disaster, mobs, hysteria, fads and fashions, panics, and social movements. (Prerequisite: SOCI 1301).

SOCI 4306 – Criminology (3 credit hours). Studies of one branch of deviant behavior. Considers the nature and extent of crime, theories of criminal behavior, and control of crime. Special emphasis on the causes of Black-on-Black crime. (Prerequisite: SOCI 1301, CRJU 2396)

SOCI 4307 – Deviant Behavior (3 credit hours). Study of forms of behavior that deviate from societal norms, such as organized crime, sexual additions, gambling, mental illness, and suicide. Theoretical approaches which seek to explain deviance will be critically explained. (Prerequisite: SOCI 1301).

SOCI 4308 – Inequality: Class, Race, & Gender {Formerly Social Stratification} (3 credit hours). An analysis and comparison of class and caste in different societies with particular reference to American society. Theories concerning the origins, persistence, and consequences of stratification are examined. (Prerequisites: SOCI 1301)

SOCI 4331 – Quantitative Social Research {Formerly Introduction to Social Research} (3 credit hours). Emphasis is placed on the basic techniques and procedures employed in sociological research. Designed to address research problems, data collection techniques and sampling, analysis of data, techniques of scaling and index construction, contingency table analysis, measures of association, and report writing. (Prerequisites: SOCI 1301).

SOCI 4332 – Seminar/Method in Social Research (3 credit hours - Spring semester). A thorough explanation of social research used in sociology and related social science disciplines. As such, it provides the tools necessary for practicing good social research and covers a variety of topics such as the nature and process of social research, research strategies and design, formulating research questions and deriving testable hypothesis reviewing of literature, conceptualization and measurement, sampling, creating survey questions, doing quantitative data analysis, mixed methods or using secondary data. (Prerequisite: SOCI 1301).

SOCI 4333 – Individual Community Research and Internship (3 credit hours - Fall semester). Field/Research Internship that integrates students in practical work experience and on-the-job training in agencies in law enforcement, corrections, social/support services, and court agencies. Students must find and have the agency approved the semester before taking this course. Successful completion of this course requires (1) a final report that demonstrates student’s ability to research and write a report that adheres to agency requirement and those of the discipline; and (2) supervisory evaluation of the student by the agency and professor. (Prerequisites: SOCI 1301, CRJU 2396, junior or senior standing, and 20 credit hours of Criminal Justice classes passed with a minimum grade of “C”).

SOCI 4334 – Community Research and Internship in Sociology (3 credit hours). Field Research and Internship combine with practical work experience in agencies in law enforcement, corrections, social service, or courts. Students must find and have agencies approved one semester before taking this course. Successful completion of this course requires (1) a final report that demonstrates students’ abilities to research and write a report that adheres to agency requirements and those of the discipline; and (2) supervisory evaluations by the agency and professor. (Prerequisites: SOCI 1301, junior or senior standing and 20 credit hours of Sociology classes passed with a minimum grade of “C”).

*GOVT 2305 – United States National Government (3 credit hours). Examines the fundamental principles of the American constitutional system of government. Some key topics to be studied include major institutions of the United States Government, the American political party system, American political ideas and ideologies, civil rights and civil liberties, public opinion interest groups, and taxation and spending policies.

*GOVT 2306 – State and Local Government (3 credit hours). This course deals with the nature and operation of state and local governments within the context of the American Federalist system of government. The Texas Constitution and its governmental institutions and processes are the focal point of the course. Fulfills requirements for teacher certification.

*General Education Courses Offered by the Division